Welcome to Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church
Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church is a caring, authentic family of God committed to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
We find joy in taking care of God’s people through missions. In keeping with the Lutheran Confessions, we are:

Christ Centered
Everything we believe revolves around Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and what He has done for all of us.

Mission Driven
Following Jesus’ example and the Great Commission given in Matthew 28, we seek to serve, to go, and to make disciples of all nations.

Traditionally Grounded
We stand on Biblical truth, following in the footsteps of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us.

Congregationally Focused
We seek to love and care for each other in church and out in the world, just as Jesus would.

Available for anyone struggling with food insecurity.
The Blessing Box is located on the east side of our church building.
Our Schedule
Sunday Worship Service
- Sundays at 9:30am
Sunday School
- Adults at 8:30am
- Children at 10:45am
Youth Group
- Confirmation Classes - Wednesdays at 6pm
- 6th-12th grade Youth - Watch for gathering times!
Adult Bible Study
Dig deeper into Scripture and how it impacts our lives in our men’s group, women’s group, and Bible studies for all.
There are several gatherings and small group meetings throughout the week

Books, Audio Books & Movies
Join us for Worship this Sunday!
January 12, 2025 • First Sunday after the Epiphany – 9:30am
The Common Thread
The ancients often thought of water as dangerous and troubling: the deep, an abyss, a stormy sea, a flood. Nevertheless, the Lord is with us as we pass through the waters. His voice—in command and promise—is above those waters, those dangers and troubles. God turns these waters upside-down. He uses what would cause death to bring life. Those who have been buried with him in the waters of baptism are killed and made alive. How does that work? God’s word, rising authoritatively over the chaos of watery death, promises life. And it is so. His Spirit, who gives life (John 6:63), comes to us in baptism.
First Reading – Isaiah 43:1-7
Biblical history readily comes to mind. The Hebrews passed through the waters of the red Sea and the Jordan River. God was with them so that they were not overwhelmed and swept away. We should also remember that we are baptized. This memory is clearly in the mind of the lectionary editors. Just as God was with the Hebrews as they passed through the waters, delivering them from captivity and leading them into the promised land, he is with us through the waters of baptism, delivering us from bondage to sin and leading us into the promised life eternal.
Psalm – Psalm 29:1-11
The voice of the Lord is clearly heard, even over the roar of mighty waters, if people would listen. Have we listened? Have we heard the voice of the Lord thundering over the water of baptism? Without his word of promise, baptism is merely water. But with his word, whether heard in a whisper (1 Kings 19:12) or a roar, the waters of baptism are a certain promise of deliverance and resurrection.
Second Reading – Romans 6:1-11
We were clothed in the sacrificial skin of Christ when we were baptized (Gal 3:27). His grace has increased in our lives, providing grace upon grace (John 1:16). But this does not mean that we should take his grace for granted and sin without care, since God will forgive us our sins. While it is certainly true that our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, “God forbid” (Rom 6:2, Tyndale) that we should sin with abandon. Our old nature has been put to death in the waters of baptism, so we are now to live for God in Christ Jesus.
Gospel – Luke 3:15-22
Jesus submitted to a baptism of repentance, a washing for sinners, so that he would be identified with sinners, God “made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Co 5:21). Jesus entered the Jordan instead of us, becoming a sinner in our place. He took upon himself the sins which we commit—indeed, the sin of the world (John 1:29)—though he was sinless. He then drowned our sin, the sin of the world, in the watery grave of his baptism.
Our Servant Leaders

Jim Steen

Linda Hoeck
Administrative Secretary

Claudia Abraham
Music Coordinator