The Blessing Box is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week for those struggling with food insecurity.

Real Life.
Real Family.
Real Truth.

Welcome to Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church

Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church is a caring, authentic family of God committed to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

We find joy in taking care of God’s people through missions. In keeping with the Lutheran Confessions, we are:

Christ Centered

Everything we believe revolves around Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and what He has done for all of us.

Mission Driven

Following Jesus’ example and the Great Commission given in Matthew 28, we seek to serve, to go, and to make disciples of all nations.

Traditionally Grounded

We stand on Biblical truth, following in the footsteps of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us.

Congregationally Focused

We seek to love and care for each other in church and out in the world, just as Jesus would.



Available for anyone struggling with food insecurity.
The Blessing Box is located on the east side of our church building.

Our Schedule

Sunday Worship Service

Join us for praise and worship, prayer, fellowship, and a sermon based on God’s Word.

Sunday School

Learn more about the Bible and ways you can live out your faith alongside friends and fellow believers.

Youth Group

We provide fun activities, outreach, trips, and volunteer opportunities for youth in middle school and high school.

Adult Bible Study

Dig deeper into Scripture and how it impacts our lives in our men’s group, women’s group, and Bible studies for all.

There are several gatherings and small group meetings throughout the week


As a missions-driven congregation, we support over 20 different missions organizations and evangelism initiatives in the Brandon and Sioux Falls area and around the world.

Books, Audio Books & Movies

Incorporate faith into every area of your life with our growing library of physical and downloadable books, CDs and DVDs for all ages. These are free to check out from the church library or our Bookshelf app.

Join us for Worship this Sunday!

2nd Sunday of Christmas – January 5 – 9:30am

The Common Thread

Wisdom is a gift of the Spirit of God. It is not something we learn in a classroom or technically even in the school of hard knocks, rather it is a quality bestowed upon the faithful by a loving Lord who desires his people would know his will and his holy Word. Jesus, at the young age of 12, exhibited this gift of wisdom as he discussed the Scriptures with the teachers in the Temple. 

First Reading – 1 Kings 3:4-15

The Lord met young King Solomon in a dream and offered him whatever he might ask for. Oh, the possibilities of what request could have been made. But Solomon loved the Lord. He had recently finished an ambitious building project: his own house, a house for the Lord, and a wall around Jerusalem. Solomon’s greatest desire was to follow in his father David’s footsteps – to be a wise and good king for the people of God. So instead of asking for long life, riches, or power, Solomon asked for wisdom. God was pleased with this request and granted Solomon a wise and discerning mind and heart. 

Psalm – Psalm 119:97-104

The psalmist proclaimed his love for the law of the Lord. Through God’s commandments, he has become wiser than his enemies who do not know God’s law. God himself teaches his people through his law, instructing us in his ways and giving us an understanding of his holy will. God’s Word is sweeter than honey and instructs those who will listen to his ways of righteousness. 

Second Reading – Ephesians 1:3-14

As those chosen by God, we have received every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. This is a collective “we” in that God has given to the Church of Christ all we need for the mission of the gospel. Having adopted us as sons and daughters, God has given us everything according to his will which includes forgiveness of sins,  abundant grace, an understanding of the mysteries of his will, and an inheritance that will last forever. 

Gospel – Luke 2:40-52

At just 12 years old Jesus showed his wisdom and knowledge of the Scriptures and God’s ways as he stayed behind at the temple while his parents journeyed home. We often marvel at the bursts of delightful wisdom that children speak on occasion. “Out of the mouths of babes,” we say. Just when we think they aren’t listening, out of their mouths comes a word or phrase or thought they heard from a grown-up. It’s especially thrilling when their pronouncement is concerning something heard or saw in worship! As for Jesus, his wisdom was God-given because he was God. Much like we come into our own as we grow up, Jesus’ coming into his own was recorded by St. Luke in his gospel. Still a pre-teen, Jesus was able to hang with scholars, rabbis, and priests. 

Our Servant Leaders

Spirit of Truth Lutheran Church is led by a faithful team of staff members and many engaged volunteers.

Jim Steen


Linda Hoeck

Administrative Secretary

Claudia Abraham

Music Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

We praise God with traditional Lutheran liturgy and hymns. We use the RECLAIM Hymnal for Church and Home. It also contains prayers and Luther’s Small Catechism to use with your family at home.
All who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and are aware that he is present in the bread and wine are invited to receive Holy Communion.
Talk with Pastor Steen if you would like to become a member. New member classes are scheduled at various times throughout the year.
Contact Pastor Jim Steen if you are planning a wedding and are interested in having the ceremony in our church. He will schedule counseling sessions based on the needs and schedules of the couple.
We encourage families to worship together. We feel the noises of children during worship is a sign of a growing congregation. We do not have a staffed nursery. There is a cryroom/nursery at the rear of the sanctuary for those times when little ones become “inconsolable”. A diaper changing station is located in the west end of the church office area.
Submit prayer requests for the bulletin to the church office. If you desire more privacy, speak directly to Pastor Steen.
There are so many ways to serve at Spirit of Truth. The way you serve will be determined on your interest and availability. We have teams set up to cover many areas of our church life. Speak to someone at church, or give the office a call, and we’ll begin a conversation about ways you can become engaged in the activities of Spirit of Truth!